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Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is responsible for retention and recruitment of members to build a chapter whose accomplishments are dynamic and diverse. Activities include identifying liaisons to develop new member relationships, organizing a fall membership drive/renewal campaign, and hosting the annual membership drive event. The Membership chair sets goals for recruitment and retention, oversees the application review process, and makes recommendations to the board.

  • Review membership applications and make recommendations to board on new members.

  • Recruit commercial real estate industry leaders and decision makers to meet goals for targeted mix of disciplines and demographics.

  • Facilitate monthly virtual new member on-boarding meeting.

  • Host an annual prospective member reception and CREW 101.

  • New member welcome packet and “roadmap.”


Kaitlyn Ann Johnston

White Star Relocation & Logistics

Committee Members

Lisa Dettore


Heather Obrecht White

AKA Architects, Inc.

Sara Rothenberg

Shelving + Rack

Melinda N. Saylor

Round Island Consulting

Tony Smith

Master Maintenance

Board Liaison

Kathryn Cochill

